Wednesday 11 May 2016

How To Get More Newsletter Subscribers Using GetSiteControl Widgets And Optimize Your Blogging Experience

The first thing you need to do to grow your email list is to add an opt-in form highly visible on the page. Make it easy for your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletters. Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase conversions, so don’t miss this chance to establish a relationship with existing customers and prospects.

Here is how you do it

Create a Subscribe widget and add it to every page of your website. You can choose to place it anywhere on the page: top or bottom bar, a panel or even a modal window. The important thing is to make sure that your opt-in form is prominent.

Need more information?

  • How to install widgets on a website
  • How to create your first widget
  • How to collect email addresses on your website with Subscribe widget

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