Sunday 13 March 2016

TOP 10 Things That Android Mobile Can Do But Iphone Cannot

We all have a different craze about iphone. Even if you are not owning it right now, majority of you must be having a plan of purchasing one. When it comes to mobile users, the crowd gets divided into two groups, the android users and iPhone users. No doubt iPhone has captured majority of the Indian market, but we cannot deny the fact that android has raised its own standard.
When it comes to the body of mobile, IPhone has a metallic body. Whereas android has a variety, it can be of plastic as well. The arguments between the two users never comes to a stop. The article does not say IPhone is not best in it, but acknowledges some services that other device offers but iPhone don’t.
Many Iphone users believe that android users do not get much facilities, but it is not true. We are here to break this stereotyping, where people believe that Iphones offers more services than other devices. Here you go with the 10 amazing features that only android devices offers:-

1. Downloading Torrent (to get easy access to your desired movies) for iPhone users is quite difficult. There are different legal torrents available, which one can download with software or users.

androidSource: rajnikantvscidjokes

2. On an android device, as soon as you type 2-3 digits from a phone number, it searches all contacts and gives you an extracted result. There is no such service that iphone offers.

Source: rajnikantvscidjokes

3. You have a collection of themes, wallpapers and other art graphics on your mobiles. These can be used and downloaded according to needs. You may customize the screen with different graphics and colorful themes.

androidSource: rajnikantvscidjokes

4. When you go to messaging column, different folders are formed according to the recipients. This segregation makes it easy to use. Moreover, message threads are arranged accordingly.

androidSource: rajnikantvscidjokes

5. The picture management of android is far better than of an iPhone. It automatically creates folders according to the date, time and sizes.
androidSource: rajnikantvscidjokes

6. Android devices work according to you. If you want no sound when a Facebook message pops up, you can do it in the settings. You can always opt for phone to be silent when you are in a meeting and same go with the rest of the settings.

 Credits : CultNuts

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